Chassis Straightening
Whenever you’re in an accident, it’s almost certain that your chassis, the framework that holds the vehicle together, will be deformed by the force of the impact.
Because it’s the physical foundation the rest of your vehicle is built upon, a warped or bent chassis can lead to a staggering number of different issues, and if you’re unlucky enough to be in a second accident with a weakened chassis, the results will be disastrous.
Here at Panelcraft Collision Repair Centre, our expert technicians are equipped with state of the art chassis aligning equipment and computerised 3D measuring tools and software that allows them to return your vehicle to it’s exact factory specifications.
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panel beating, Dent repair and Paintless Dent Repair
Once the chassis has been repaired, the next step is to fix any damage to your vehicle’s panels. Our team of experienced panel beaters have all of the tools, equipment, and experience to ensure we can repair any and all damaged panels, or replace them if they are beyond repair. We also perform custom panel work.
If you’re lucky enough to have a dent or ding in your panels that hasn’t scraped your paintwork, you could be eligble for Paintless Dent Repair (PDR). PDR is great as you don’t have to sand and repaint the panel, saving you a lot of time and money. The only drawback to PDR is it requires specialised equipment and highly trained and experienced panelbeaters. Happily, we have no shortage of either here at Panelcraft Collision Repair Centre and can happily organise paintless dent repair for you!
contact usSpray painting
Once the major structural damage is repaired, it’s time to get a fresh coat of paint on your vehicle, to protect it from rust and other forms of corrosion, as well as vastly improve it’s appearance.
Panelcraft Collision Repair Centre’s talented spray painters can exactly match your existing colour, and are equipped with ecologically friendly water-based paints that give you deep, lustrous colours, without hurting the environment.
It’s not just restorative work though! If you’re looking at a brand new colour, or some touch-up work, custom designs, ceramic coating or even spray painting large objects like cabinetry, our team has got you covered!
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It doesn’t take a lot for rust to become a big issue for your car. Once you have a spot of rust, it spreads, eating away at the metal and weakening your car’s structure. A spot of rust about the size of a 20 cent coin means you will need to cut out a section of a panel about the size of a basketball, and rust spreads quickly, so if you notice even a tiny patch, get it looked at soon!
Here at Panelcraft Collision Repair Centre we are fully equipped and skilled to help you with rust repairs.
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Classic Vehicle restoration
There’s nothing quite like owning a classic car. It’s full of headaches, challenges, and expenses, but if you own a classic, you know it’s all worth it. The feeling these cars give their owners is more than enough to make it worth all the hassle.
Vintage cars face a lot of unique challenges, and restoring them can require many specialised tools and knowledge of how to track down hard-to-find parts.
The whole team at Panelcraft Collision Repair Centre love helping a fellow car lover with their passion project. Whether you need help with chassis repair, panel repair, rust restoration, a new paint job, or just some advice, don’t hestitate to contact one of our friendly staff today!
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other services
We offer a truly comprehensive collision repair service here at Panelcraft Collision Repair Centre, including, but not limited to:
- Spot welding
- Sand blasting
- Headlight restorations
- Repair certification
- Towing
- Windscreen replacement
- Upgrades (bull bars/winch bars)
- Canopies and work decks for utes
- AMSOIL Oils available